Composure is designed with your Yoga practice and Pilates session in mind. This collection has been carefully created to give maximum comfort, increased mobility and complete confidence – whether practising at home, outside or in the studio. Feel good inside and out knowing our soft and sustainable range uses recycled fabric and calming colour palettes driven by neuroaesthetic research.
We love seamless underwear. The Composure Seamless V-Neck Bralette has been designed with you in mind. We know how important it is to feel good in our own skin, and nothing has ever made that easier than this underwear set. The combination of ultimate comfort and a ribbed underbust provided by the bralette makes us feel incredible. You're going to want to show this off - did someone say underwear is outerwear?
69% Modal, 24% Nylon, 7% Elastane
- Super soft seamless fabric for extra comfort and no irritation
- Soft adjustable elasticated straps for an adjustable fit
- Gel logo on adjustable straps help to keep your top in place
- Clothing - Soft Accessories
- MP
Composure 靜謐系列 女士無縫 V 領無襯墊內衣 - 仙人掌綠
Seamless bra with adjustable straps
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Composure is designed with your Yoga practice and Pilates session in mind. This collection has been carefully created to give maximum comfort, increased mobility and complete confidence – whether practising at home, outside or in the studio. Feel good inside and out knowing our soft and sustainable range uses recycled fabric and calming colour palettes driven by neuroaesthetic research.
We love seamless underwear. The Composure Seamless V-Neck Bralette has been designed with you in mind. We know how important it is to feel good in our own skin, and nothing has ever made that easier than this underwear set. The combination of ultimate comfort and a ribbed underbust provided by the bralette makes us feel incredible. You're going to want to show this off - did someone say underwear is outerwear?
69% Modal, 24% Nylon, 7% Elastane
- Super soft seamless fabric for extra comfort and no irritation
- Soft adjustable elasticated straps for an adjustable fit
- Gel logo on adjustable straps help to keep your top in place
- Clothing - Soft Accessories
- MP