Complete your workout wardrobe with our Graphic Training pieces. Designed for the gym floor, they offer everything you need for everyday sessions.
The Graphic Training T-shirt is an essential style, updated with a graphic print and MP logo to the chest.
90% Polyester 10% Elastane
- Moisture Wicking Fabric
- Repeat Mp Graphic To Back
- Printed Mp Logo
- Clothing
- MP
Graphic Training 系列 男士短袖 T 恤 - 深藍綠
Regular fit t-shirt
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Complete your workout wardrobe with our Graphic Training pieces. Designed for the gym floor, they offer everything you need for everyday sessions.
The Graphic Training T-shirt is an essential style, updated with a graphic print and MP logo to the chest.
90% Polyester 10% Elastane
- Moisture Wicking Fabric
- Repeat Mp Graphic To Back
- Printed Mp Logo
- Clothing
- MP