Our engage range delves into the tough world of combat sport. With its arduous nature, we have engineered technical designs which will thrive under the harsh conditions of sports such as MMA, boxing or boxercise. This range isn't throwing in the towel.
The new short sleeved base layer offers thorough support with its sculpting and second skin fit. Even though it is tight, you won't feel restricted. Mesh panels are constructed in the top in order to help breathability. Flatlock stich at the seams create a more durable base layer meaning even the constant tension of combat sports cannot knock this base layer out.
- Mesh panels for breathability
- Matte fused tape detail
- Matte print MP logo to chest
- Flatlock stitch at seams
- Clothing
- MP
Engage 交鋒系列 男士緊身短袖上衣 - 白
Short Sleeve Baselayer
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Our engage range delves into the tough world of combat sport. With its arduous nature, we have engineered technical designs which will thrive under the harsh conditions of sports such as MMA, boxing or boxercise. This range isn't throwing in the towel.
The new short sleeved base layer offers thorough support with its sculpting and second skin fit. Even though it is tight, you won't feel restricted. Mesh panels are constructed in the top in order to help breathability. Flatlock stich at the seams create a more durable base layer meaning even the constant tension of combat sports cannot knock this base layer out.
- Mesh panels for breathability
- Matte fused tape detail
- Matte print MP logo to chest
- Flatlock stitch at seams
- Clothing
- MP