Crafted with contouring textures, your confidence will be sky high whilst rocking these booty shorts. Look good whilst feeling good, with a supportive high waisted waistband, for a secure and comfy workout. Distractions and irritations are no more as these shorts are seamless, no excess fabric to cause disruptions. These shorts will regulate heat with its sweat wicking finish, meaning you will feel more refreshed for longer during the workout.
Main: 57% Nylon, 39% Polyester, 4% Elastane Waistband: 52% Nylon, 37% Polyester, 11% Elastane
- Seamless design for minimal irritation
- Supportive high waisted waistband
- Contouring textures
- Sweat wicking finish
- Clothing
- MP
商品總額: NT$1680
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Curve Seamless Booty Shorts
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Crafted with contouring textures, your confidence will be sky high whilst rocking these booty shorts. Look good whilst feeling good, with a supportive high waisted waistband, for a secure and comfy workout. Distractions and irritations are no more as these shorts are seamless, no excess fabric to cause disruptions. These shorts will regulate heat with its sweat wicking finish, meaning you will feel more refreshed for longer during the workout.
Main: 57% Nylon, 39% Polyester, 4% Elastane Waistband: 52% Nylon, 37% Polyester, 11% Elastane
- Seamless design for minimal irritation
- Supportive high waisted waistband
- Contouring textures
- Sweat wicking finish
- Clothing
- MP
商品總額: NT$1680